Lagoona Bloo Believes Mermaids Are Real
Lagoona Bloo Believes Mermaids Are Real  
Podcast: Ghosted! by Roz Hernandez
Rating: Explicit Published On: Mon May 06 2024
Description: This week, Roz is swept out to sea by the living, breathing, mermaid-drag queen and bubble pop star, Lagoona Bloo! Waves shimmer and crash under the full moon while the two discuss mysterious creatures of the sea, a 2016 poltergeist panic in Scotland, and sleepwalking with…a demon??Want to share YOUR paranormal experience on the podcast? Email your *short* stories to and maybe Roz will read it out loud on the show... or even call you!Be sure to follow the show @GhostedByRoz on Instagram. See for privacy information.