Podcast:Kingdom Sexuality Published On: Mon Mar 28 2022 Description: We’ve done an episode on “spicing it up” in the bedroom before, but now that we’ve got Rusti here and since it’s been a long time since that episode came out (fun fact, that was our 4th episode to be released) it seemed like a good time to make a “spice it up 2.0”! If you’ve been married for any length of time you’ll know that sex can easily become routine. We’re busy people! The list of things to do is never ceasing and ever growing- we need to pick kids up from school, take out the trash, get food on the table, spring clean, and see friends… so when there is a spare moment to be intimate it can easily turn into a 10 step list of things you do every time. And a routine can be great, but maybe you’re ready to try something different or long to add some fireworks and butterflies again! So we’ve compiled a little list of some ways that you can go about spicing things up! If you're not, be sure to follow us on Instagram @kingdomsexuality! That's where you'll see weekly couples challenges, "Hump Day" sex positions, connect questions and so much more! Link to our ebook: HERE