18: The Womanhood Diaries: Orgasm
18: The Womanhood Diaries: Orgasm  
Podcast: Kingdom Sexuality
Published On: Mon Nov 09 2020
Description: Men and women's bodies are vastly different from one another. So naturally, they each require different things to achieve an orgasm. But why doesn't anyone ever talk about this?! Alana and Paris both share how they went into marriage assuming that reaching climax would just happen to women like it does to men. Nope. But what a gift, that as husband and wife that you get to learn how to get her there together. And that's one of the biggest things Paris and Alana hope you take away from this episode: Understanding that achieving an orgasm is a skill that women have to learn. So plug in your headphones and buckle up as they tackle 5 big lies that are commonly believed about orgasms!  Be sure to follow Kingdom Sexuality on Instagram (@kingdomsexuality) to see weekly challenges, sex positions, tips, giveaways, & so much more! It's a safe space to ask questions, be challenged, and cultivate community.  Find the book Paris and Alana mention here: Sheet Music by Dr. Kevin Leman