90: Navigating Sexual Rejection
90: Navigating Sexual Rejection  
Podcast: Kingdom Sexuality
Published On: Mon Aug 08 2022
Description: You're not going to want to miss this incredible episode on navigating sexual rejection! It's time to have a real moment with yourself next time your partner initiates intimacy and you decline the offer... take a moment to ask yourself: WHY though? If I'm too tired to do this or am I just wanting to do something else? Is this really a 'not tonight's moment' or can it simply be a 'not right now, let me decompress from a hard day' moment?Are you up for other things? A naked body massage, cuddling and kissing, etc. We're NOT saying you have to say "yes" every time if you're not actually in the mood. But sometimes it's VERY easy to 'just say no'. We have to remember that this isn't something that if you tell them no they can go ask one of their buddies if they want to go and do this with them. This is something only you can give. It's a gift that only you can give them they cannot find satisfaction in anything else without breaking God's covenantal design for marriage. Be sure to follow us on Instagram @kingdomsexuality to see more of our content! And check out our website to see our KS merch and incredible ebooks! Links from today's episode: Emotional Intimacy Episode