The Transformative Power of Change & Giving Back, w/ Rodric Lenhart
Podcast:Business, Bourbon and Cigars Published On: Tue Apr 09 2024 Description: Rodric Lenhart is a dynamic force in the world of finance, blending his expertise in investment strategies with a passion for driving positive change. He’s also an author, a lifelong entrepreneur, and a coach who helps entrepreneurs and owners build businesses that fit their lives. Join Scott and Rodric as they explore: * Rodric’s journey from success to bankruptcy and back again, highlighting the importance of being willing to take risks and embrace change.* The difference between intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs. * Scott reflects on his career journey, sharing insights on self-assessment, risk-taking, and change management.* How ego can impact decision-making. * Traveling globally, emphasizing the importance of empathy and understanding that we’re all part of the same human family.* Rodric's foundation sends student leaders abroad and promotes cultural exchanges. * Finding balance between business success and personal fulfillment. * How Rodric's clients often have little desire to scale their businesses, but instead want more time for personal reasons. * Rodric’s book: Million Dollar Flip Flops: Peace, Prosperity, and the Courage to Change Course In Life and Business. * Understanding the mental burden of being responsible for many people's livelihoods, and how this can impact CEO pay and mindset.* Finding fulfillment in helping others find their purpose. * Rodric learned valuable lessons from going from millions to zero and then back up. * Leaders who embrace change are more likely to succeed in business and life.Thanks to Rodric Lenhart for being on Business, Bourbon & Cigars. Connect with Rodric on LinkedIn: Learn more about Million Dollar Flip Flops (MDFF): Lean more about Send A Student Leader Abroad: BUSINESS, BOURBON & CIGARSBe sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any episodes. * Apple Podcasts: * Spotify: * YouTube: * Business, Bourbon & Cigars is the preeminent resource for ambitious leaders who want a backstage pass to the top. Each episode, we sit down with ultra-successful executives and industry leaders who share their insider strategies for growth and success. And of course, we may even sip on some of the finest bourbon and light up our favorite cigars while we chat.* Each week, we bring you in-depth interviews with high-level executives and industry leaders who have a proven track record and deep understanding of what it takes to grow a business. They’ll share their no-nonsense approach, the challenges they faced on their journey to the top, and the strategies that helped them overcome obstacles and forge their own path to ultra-success.ME PLUS...