New Segment: Freewrite (a brain dump episode about guilt and witnessing divorce)
Podcast:Prologues Published On: Mon Mar 03 2025 Description: Introducing a new segment on Prologues: the Freewrite. We love book/writing-related puns around here. Freewriting is a writing technique that calls for stream-of-consciousness-style writing for a predetermined amount of pages or time. The goal is to kickstart your brain's creative juices by demanding that it produce words - any words, even nonsensical words, just as long as you don't stop physically writing until you hit the goal. Freewriting is effective because it helps you bypass your mental blocks and tap into deeper ideas.Sometimes, I have several episode ideas rolling around in my head, but I can't record them because I have a block. I have something else occupying space in my head and I can't talk about anything else until I talk about That Thing. Freewrite episodes are brain dumps of anything and everything that is taking up space in my head, so that I can get it out of the way and keep moving forward. This is the first of what I'm sure will be a frequent series on the podcast. 75