OpenAI’s InstructGPT, Meta’s New AI Supercomputer, China Regulates DeepFakes, AI Playes Tetris
OpenAI’s InstructGPT, Meta’s New AI Supercomputer, China Regulates DeepFakes, AI Playes Tetris  
Podcast: Last Week in AI
Published On: Sun Feb 06 2022
Description: Our 84rd episode with a summary and discussion of last week's big AI news! Note: apologies for issues with sound quality in this episode! Outline: Applications & Business Meta Aims to Build the World's Fastest AI Supercomputer Deploying machine learning to improve mental health Research & Advancements OpenAI rolls out new text-generating models that it claims are less toxic Meta researchers build an AI that learns equally well from visual, written or spoken materials Society & Ethics China Proposes Increased Regulation of Deepfakes and Other AI Synthesis Systems IRS Will Require Facial Recognition Scans to Access Your Taxes Fun & Neat Google AI tools bring back women in science to the fore Watch an AI Play the Best Game of Tetris You've Ever Seen  Subscribe: RSS | iTunes | Spotify | YouTube