Finishing Well: Insight > Hindsight
Finishing Well: Insight > Hindsight  
Podcast: The Rooted Life
Published On: Wed Jun 07 2023
Description: Hindsight is 20/20 but insight is priceless. In Episode 3 of Season 7, Doe & Moe dig into the ‘I’ of F.I.N.I.S.H, insight. It’s story time for Doe as she walks us through a season where she lacked insight in her decision-making and how that impacted her ability to transition well from one season to the next. Tune in for another episode packed with spiritual truth and practical next steps to end your current or next season with intentionality. To keep up with them, follow The Rooted Life, If you're looking for more content, check out the Rooted Life's devotional plan on the YouVersion Bible App at,