16. Quick Thinks: How to Craft Your Body Language When Confronting Objections
16. Quick Thinks: How to Craft Your Body Language When Confronting Objections  
Podcast: Think Fast Talk Smart: Communication Techniques
Published On: Fri Jul 31 2020
Description: Knowing what to say to a skeptical audience is paramount, but how can your body language communicate empathy, openness, and power? In this Quick Thinks episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart, we revisit Matt Abrahams’s conversation with Stanford GSB lecturer Burt Alper about how to keep body language in mind when it comes to handling objections.  Connect:Premium Signup >>>> Think Fast Talk Smart PremiumEmail Questions & Feedback >>> hello@fastersmarter.ioEpisode Transcripts >>> Think Fast Talk Smart WebsiteNewsletter Signup + English Language Learning >>> FasterSmarter.ioThink Fast Talk Smart >>> LinkedIn,  Instagram, YouTubeMatt Abrahams >>> LinkedIn  ********Become a Faster Smarter Supporter by joining TFTS Premium.