<p>A sexy reality TV show with a missing contestant. An undercover detective. Two cats safe at home. Murder on Sex Island is a twisty psycho-sexual thriller with equal parts humor and intrigue. Private Detective Luella van Horn's been through a lot, but this time, she might not make it out alive.</p><p>New chapters every week, narrated by the author, Jo Firestone. Need to find out who did it sooner? You can order your copy of Murder on Sex Island from <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Murder-Sex-Island-Luella-Mystery/dp/B0CH4JV36H/ref=sr_1_6?qid=1694022557&refinements=p_27%3AJo+Firestone&s=books&sr=1-6">Amazon</a> or your <a href="https://www.mysteriousbookshop.com/products/jo-firestone-murder-on-sex-island-preorder-signed-paperback">local bookstore</a> today. </p><p>This audio book is produced by Bari Finkel, and edited by Bari Finkel and Gabrielle Lewis.</p>