4. Spring Wildflowers
4. Spring Wildflowers  
Podcast: The No Sweat Nature Study Podcast
Published On: Mon Mar 28 2022
Description: Now that it's spring, wildflowers are beginning to grow just about everywhere. Did you know that wildflowers don't need help from humans to grow and thrive, but cultivated plants do? Learn the difference between wildflowers and cultivated flowers in this episode.  Bring along a nature journal, colored pencils, and a ruler for a fun nature walk challenge that includes math through measurement! For show notes and episode downloads, go to ourjourneywestward.com/spring-wildflowers-nature-study/. Join No Sweat Nature Study LIVE at NoSweatNatureStudy.com. Enjoy more wildflower nature study with the Wonderful Wildflowers NaturExplorers curriculum found in the Our Journey Westward Shop. Focus on flower life cycles with the Flower Life Cycle No Sweat Nature Study digital curriculum found in the Our Journey Westward Shop. Study wildflower families with the Flower Families No Sweat Nature Study digital curriculum in the Our Journey Westward Shop. Get the Podcast Plus+ Packet for free! Scroll to the bottom of the spring wildflowers show notes page. Leave Mrs. Cindy a voice message to answer this season's question! Scroll to the bottom of the spring wildflowers show notes page. Share pictures of your nature journal pages on Instagram or Facebook. Be sure to tag @OurJourneyWestward so Mrs. Cindy will be sure to see them! Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a rating and review if you're enjoying the episodes.