Episode 8 - Sisters in Arms: Truus and Freddie Oversteegen
Episode 8 - Sisters in Arms: Truus and Freddie Oversteegen  
Podcast: Harlots
Published On: Thu Feb 08 2024
Description: You may have heard of the Dutch, WWII-era teens infamous for one very special party trick: seducing Nazis to their deaths. But turns out, that only scratches the surface of the Oversteegen sisters’ amazing story. Get ready for one of the most inspiring, powerful, heartbreaking accounts of anti-fascist bravery in the Second World War—and maybe, ever.   Credits: Written and narrated by GennaRose Nethercott. Researched by Alex Robinson. Created by Alexandra Steed. Co-produced by Alexandra Steed, Alex Robinson, and GennaRose Nethercott. Engineered by Otis Gray. Recorded with generous support from Latchis Arts. Executive produced by Aaron Mahnke.
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