Behold, The Autopians! (Jason Torchinsky, David Tracy, Beau Boeckmann)
Behold, The Autopians! (Jason Torchinsky, David Tracy, Beau Boeckmann)  
Podcast: The Smoking Tire
Published On: Thu Mar 03 2022
Description: Jason Torchinsky and David Tracy are two of the most entertaining writers to ever work at Jalopnik. Jason has a knowledge of obscure cars (and other machinery) that rivals Google. David - a trained engineer- loves buying run-down 4x4s, located many hundreds of miles from his house, and trying to drive them home, usually unsuccessfully. They've just announced their departure from Jalopnik to start a new website (alongside Beau Boeckmann, owner of Galpin Ford and bona-fide car nerd), The Autopian!  On this show we talk about why they left Jalopnik, Beau being involved in a record-setting car crash, strange old car seats, obscure sedans, and what the Autopian will be all about. to to get your free home and auto insurance quotes and see how much you could save. Go to and use code smokingtire16 for up to 16 free meals and 3 free gifts. Want your question answered? To listen to the episode the day it's recorded? Want to watch the live stream, get ad-free podcasts, or exclusive podcasts? Join our Patreon:  Tweet at us!  Instagram: Click here for the most honest car reviews out there: Want shorter podcasts? Subscribe to our new CLIPS channel! Want your question answered? Want to watch the live stream, get ad-free podcasts, or exclusive podcasts? Join our Patreon: Use Off The Record! and ALWAYS fight your tickets! Enter code TST10 for a 10% discount on your first case on the Off The Record app, or go to Watch our car reviews:  Tweet at us! Instagram: