When is a Car "Safe Enough?" w/ Philip Koopman
When is a Car "Safe Enough?" w/ Philip Koopman  
Podcast: The Smoking Tire
Published On: Thu Jan 25 2024
Description: When is a car "safe enough"? Turns out it's not such a simple answer. From a lack of software oversight to self-certification issues to more recalls (from every company) than you could imagine, building cars is challenging, especially as ADAS systems get more common and complicated. Phil Koopman is an Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon University in the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In the car realm, he is the writer of Safe Autonomy blog, covering self-driving technology. His new book, "How Safe is Safe Enough? Measuring and Predicting Autonomous Vehicle Safety", analyzes the alleged safety improvements that autonomous cars will provide. https://safeautonomy.blogspot.com/https://safeautonomy.blogspot.com/2022/09/book-how-safe-is-safe-enough-measuring.htmlMassive list of recalls: https://betterembsw.blogspot.com/p/potentially-deadly-automotive-software.html Recorded January 16, 2024  Say goodbye to harsh smoke and coughing attacks by shopping the smoothest pipes, bubblers, bongs and more at https://www.thefreezepipe.com  and use code TIRE for 10% offyour entire order. Want your question answered? To listen to the episode the day it's recorded? Want to watch the live stream, get ad-free podcasts, or exclusive podcasts? Join our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thesmokingtirepodcast Use Off The Record! and ALWAYS fight your tickets! Enter code TSTPOD for a 10% discount on your first case on the Off The Record app, or go to https://www.offtherecord.com/TST Tweet at us!https://www.Twitter.com/thesmokingtirehttps://www.Twitter.com/zackklapman Instagram:https://www.Instagram.com/thesmokingtirehttps://www.Instagram.com/therealzackklapman  Click here for the most honest car reviews out there: https://www.youtube.com/thesmokingtire Want your question answered? Want to watch the live stream, get ad-free podcasts, or exclusive podcasts? Join our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thesmokingtirepodcast Use Off The Record! and ALWAYS fight your tickets! Enter code TST10 for a 10% discount on your first case on the Off The Record app, or go to http://www.offtherecord.com/TST. Watch our car reviews: https://www.youtube.com/thesmokingtire  Tweet at us!https://www.Twitter.com/thesmokingtirehttps://www.Twitter.com/zackklapman Instagram:https://www.Instagram.com/thesmokingtirehttps://www.Instagram.com/therealzackklapman