Freddy "Tavarish" Hernandez (Car Trek)
Freddy "Tavarish" Hernandez (Car Trek)  
Podcast: The Smoking Tire
Published On: Wed May 19 2021
Description: Freddy "Tavarish" Hernandez is an incredibly successful automotive YouTuber who buys broken exotic cars and brings them back to life. In his new show, Car Trek, Freddy, Ed Bolian and Tyler Hoover buy odd used cars and take them on adventures. In the latest season they all bought cheap(ish) used Ferraris. What could wrong? We talk about his show, The Grand Tour issues, the SSC controversy, and why fixing McLarens is so hard. You can watch the new season of Car Trek here Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code smokingtire at checkout.  Go to and use promo code TIRE to receive 10% off  Want your question answered? Want to watch the live stream, get ad-free podcasts, or exclusive podcasts? Join our Patreon: Use Off The Record! and ALWAYS fight your tickets! Enter code TST10 for a 10% discount on your first case on the Off The Record app, or go to Watch our car reviews:  Tweet at us! Instagram: