Acquired Episode 17: Waze
Acquired Episode 17: Waze  
Podcast: Acquired
Published On: Wed Aug 03 2016
Description: Topics covered include: Community Showcase: the Nexcast podcasting platform from listener Brian Sanders, along with their podcast chronicling the team’s journey building the company Waze’s origin in cofounder & CTO Ehud Shabtai’s desire to hack his portable GPS navigation unitWaze CEO Noam Bardin’s  retrospective blog post on the Waze journey  Waze’s Palo Alto office and the bizarre Silicon Valley phenomenon of tech companies being located in retail storefronts Apple’s  ill-fated launch of Apple Maps as part of iOS 6 at WWDC 2012, Apple’s subsequent apology letter, and  Scott Forstall’s ultimate ouster from the company The climax of the mobile platform wars… which it turns out Apple and Google  both won Apple, Facebook, and Google all vying to acquire Waze throughout 2013 Google’s renewed design ethos under Larry PageBen and David spontaneously agree (surprise) to create on a new category of acquisition for the show The increasing strategic value of data and data assets as technology enters the age of machine learning The coming mega trend of autonomous vehicles, and  the role Israeli startups are playing in it (including the globalization of startups & innovation)The disruptive power of network and data-based business modelsEmergence of native as *the* definitive advertising medium on mobile, including ability to close the advertising loop via location-based products and services Sponsors:WorkOS: Acquired!:Get email updates with hints on next episode and follow-ups from recent episodesJoin the SlackSubscribe to ACQ2Merch Store!© Copyright 2015-2025 ACQ, LLCThe Carve Out:Ben: Weezer’s “Summer Elaine and Drunk Dori” on Song Exploder David:  Simon Sinek’s “Start with Why” TED Talk  Followups: None this week… coverage of Instagram Stories to come next time!