Election Day Decisions, and Why the Count Could Take Awhile
Election Day Decisions, and Why the Count Could Take Awhile  
Podcast: The Headlines
Published On: Tue Nov 05 2024
Description: Plus, how astronauts vote from space.   Tune in every weekday morning. To get our full audio journalism and storytelling experience, download the New York Times Audio app — available to Times news subscribers on iOS — and sign up for our weekly newsletter.Tell us what you think at: theheadlines@nytimes.com. On Today’s Episode:Election Live Updates: A Caustic and Turbulent Race Is in Voters’ Hands, by Adam NagourneyA Grim Trump and an Upbeat Harris End the Race Hitting Opposite Notes, by Katie Rogers, Jonathan Weisman and Michael GoldThese Uncommitted Voters Finally Made Their Choice for President, by Jack Healy, Clyde McGrady, Eduardo Medina and Campbell RobertsonWhat We’ll Know and When We’ll Know It: A Guide to Election Night, by Nate CohnWhere Voters Will Decide on Abortion in November, by Allison McCann and Amy Schoenfeld WalkerInside Five of America’s Strangest Polling Places, by Helen I. Hwang