Civil Service and the NYHelps Program
Civil Service and the NYHelps Program  
Podcast: The DOT POD
Published On: Tue Nov 05 2024
Description: New York State agencies are hiring for thousands of critical positions open across the state. To help agencies fill these positions, the Department of Civil Service has developed the NY Hiring for Emergency Limited Placement Statewide (NY HELPS) Program. This program streamlines the appointment process to allow State agencies to hire diverse, qualified permanent employees quickly and without examinations. In this episode of the DOT POD, Josh Heller is joined by a special co-host, Bryan Viggiani, who previously worked with the DOT and is currently working with civil service. They welcome the New York State Department of Transportation Commissioner Marie Therese Dominguez and the New York State Department of Civil Service Commissioner Timothy Hogues. Josh, Bryan, and Commissioners Dominguez and Hogues discuss the NYHelps program and its major impact on hiring across the state, including right here at DOT. They also discuss other measures that the department is taking to help fill vacancies with the best possible candidates.