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08. Marriage, Trust, and Overcoming Challenges: Erika and Mark's Recipe for Success Â
Whiskey and Lace
Published On:
Mon Dec 18 2023
Buckle up for a wild ride of celebrating 15 years of marriage!Erika and Mark have an intimate and candid conversation as they delve into the ups and downs of their relationship, the challenges they have faced, and what it takes to make a marriage last. From their early years together to their engagement and experiences as parents, you'll hear their insights, funny anecdotes, and advice on love, trust, and commitment. ---------------------------In this episode, we cover the following:How Mark and Erika metWhere Mark got his nickname fromBreaking up Their engagement storyHow their parents and relationships in their lives that were their role modelsThe struggles that arise in long-term relationshipsHow children shift your relationshipKeeping the spark alive How to keep dating your spouse----------------------------Guest info:For more on Mark, you can follow him on Instagram @Mark.Altes. ----------------------------Soar to Cloud WINE when you join the Whiskey & Lace Wine Club. Escape wine fatigue and receive amazing wines delivered to your doorstep, incredible discounts, exciting experiences, and so much more.----------------------------Today's episode is sponsored by La Crema. Enjoy two incredible experiences for the holiday season. đ„Sparkling & Oysters, indulge in a dozen locally sourced oysters, plus a Whiskey-exclusive special of 2 sparkling wine options. And be sure to attend La Crema's Annual Sparkling Holiday SoirĂ©e event on December 30th, 2023 with 20% off. Book here, using the code: WHISKEYANDLACE. Offer runs from now through December 30th, 2023.----------------------------Connect with Whiskey & Lace on Socials Instagram: @WhiskeyAndLaceTikTok: @WhiskeyAndLace Website: WhiskeyAndLaceBlog
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