Beyond the Broomstick - with Medium Matilda
Beyond the Broomstick - with Medium Matilda

<p><br>Beyond the Broomstick is a behind the scenes look at all things spiritual.<br><br>Matilda is a 20 year veteran of professional mediumship with a clientele that reaches across the globe.&nbsp; Reading for everyday people and celebrities alike Matilda delivers this no nonsense, eye opening look at spirituality, the afterlife and pulls apart the cult like social media faux mediums.<br><br>If you want to know the truth about mediumship, fake mediums, cults like New Age Spirituality listen to Matilda and her take on and understanding of all things spiritual.<br><br>From undermining the Hollywood(esq) take that the social media mediums portray Matilda tells it like it is and takes no prisoners whilst doing so<br><br><br><b><em>Matilda </em></b><br><br><a href="">TikTok</a><br><br><a href="">Instagram</a><br><br><a href="">YouTube</a><br><br><a href="">Website</a><br><br><a href=""><b><em>Patreon</em></b></a><br><br><a href=""><br></a><br><br><br></p>