Some Time With... David Lipper! (Part 1)
Some Time With... David Lipper! (Part 1)  
Podcast: How Rude, Tanneritos!
Published On: Thu Aug 15 2024
Description: We have David Lipper (aka VIPER) in the building!! The 'Hot Daddy and the Monkey Puppets' guitar player gives us a glimpse into what we have to look forward to in Season 8! We dive into David's career, including the very real ups and downs that actors regularly experience in this industry.    Plus, we learn all about the movie that David and Jodie did together during the pandemic!! He went from playing Candace's love interest to Jodie's?! Is that allowed?? Don't miss all of the incredible stories David has for us in part 1 of this interview!  See for privacy information.