The Science of Candy Land
The Science of Candy Land  
Podcast: Tumble Science Podcast for Kids
Published On: Fri Oct 30 2020
Description: Happy Halloween! We’re headed to Candy Land, a sugary laboratory where mathematicians found a mysterious candy dagger appear - over and over again. So gather up your candy box, and let’s discover out why mathematicians are studying candy to understand the real-life landscapes around us. Mathematician Leif Ristroph shares how he stumbled into making sweet experiments.  Want to learn more about the reason behind Leif’s experiments? Listen to our bonus interview episode, available for Patrons at the $1/level a month or higher. Pledge now at! Visit our website to see photos and videos of the candy daggers, and find out what a stone forest looks like. Plus, follow Leif’s special recipe for “research-grade candy.” Check it out on the blog at!