What's the thorn in your arm? - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom
Podcast:Own Your Future with Dean Graziosi Published On: Mon Apr 18 2016 Description: So what is the thorn in YOUR arm? And I know you're probably thinking to yourself, "What is Dean talking about, has he lost his mind?!" Well in this week's Weekly Wisdom I want to show you that you have a thorn in your arm, and that you are doing everything to protect yourself from the pain it's causing except for the one thing that can get rid of the pain for good. Check out this week's message and I promise it will all make sense. This is a must watch! Watch now! And also, as I mentioned in this week’s Weekly Wisdom, to get two of my best-selling books for free, go to http://www.deansfreebook.com. Enjoy this wisdom and have a great week!