Proven SECRET That Will Guide You to Kill it - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom
Proven SECRET That Will Guide You to Kill it - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom  
Podcast: Own Your Future with Dean Graziosi
Published On: Fri Jul 01 2016
Description: Most of us have moments of terrible doubt in our lives. Have you had times when you feel you've crossed a line you can't go back from? It's easy to get overwhelmed with thoughts about never being able to have what you want or achieve your dreams. What we don't usually realize is the forces that contribute to us believing in our own doubt. Watch and listen as Dean and his guest student Matt unpack the lies that can drag you down. They also share the things to do (and what to avoid) in order to achieve your goals. They even discuss some slimy tricks that others are pulling that could be causing you to quit on yourself. Don't miss this one!