Stop Living Someone Else’s Life. Start Living YOUR LIFE!
Stop Living Someone Else’s Life. Start Living YOUR LIFE!  
Podcast: Own Your Future with Dean Graziosi
Published On: Thu May 25 2023
Description: Write your goals down then make them real with my Better Life Journal Are you suffering in silence? Are you afraid to tell people how you really feel because you’re scared of what they might think?  Unfortunately, that’s the story for so many people. On the outside things look like they’re going well but deep down you know you’re made for more and you’re afraid to tell anyone because you should be happy right?  Gratitude for what you have is important because the things you have now were once just a dream, so yes be grateful BUT sometimes…  You have to get disturbed with your current life so you can create the life that’s calling to you.  In this quick episode of the Own YOUR Future Podcast, I want to help you take the first step toward building a life you love because you only have this ONE life and it’s happening right now! This is something I talked about this week with Chris and Lori Harder and if you haven't listened to that episode, you absolutely MUST. Ask yourself, what’s scarier? Going after your dreams or getting to the end and meeting the man or woman you COULD have been?  I know what my answer is and I think deep down, you do too. It’s time to go for it.  Will today be the day you take bold, uncomfortable action toward your dreams? Let me know in the comments and be sure to connect with me on social media and share your thoughts.  Thanks as always for watching and listening to this episode of the Own YOUR Future Podcast.  Don't forget to grab your ⁠Better Life Journal⁠! Connect with Dean on social media:  ⁠Subscribe to Dean’s YouTube Channel⁠ ⁠Instagram ⁠- DM me and let me know what you thought about this episode!  ⁠Facebook⁠ ⁠Twitter⁠ ⁠TikTok⁠ ⁠Website⁠ ⁠Join Dean’s newsletter for weekly wisdom, updates and news direct to your inbox