S2 Ep2: Ep. 54: Food Shaming in Our Highest Rated Episode: "Here's Looking at You, Hef!" Part 2
Podcast:Girls Next Level Published On: Mon Sep 18 2023 Description: Holly and Bridget catch us up on what they've been up to over the summer, talk Marilyn Monroe's house, the LA hurricane/earthquake combo, Hef's hearing loss, more naked scenes and Casablanca Night. The girls get into other books written about the mansion, fake scenes, house hunting, how possessive we really were, the food shaming on the show and the pressures that went along with it. Join the girls and they go over everything The Girls Next Door Season 2, Episode 1, "Here's Looking at You, Hef!" For more content, check out our Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/girlsnextlevel Manage your money the easy way by going to https://www.rocketmoney.com/nextlevel To learn more about microdosing THC go to https://www.microdose.com and use code NEXTLEVEL to get free shipping and 30% off your first order. Try BlueChew FREE when you use promo code GNL at checkout - just pay $5 shipping. Visit https://www.bluechew.com for more details and important safety information.