'The True History of Marie Curie' as told by Nanny Piggins
'The True History of Marie Curie' as told by Nanny Piggins  
Podcast: Bedtime Stories with R.A. Spratt
Published On: Tue Jan 03 2023
Description: After Samantha is suspended from school for throwing a slice of carrot cake at the school bully, Nanny Piggins tells the children the story of her distant cousin, the brilliant and alluring scientist - Marie Curie.If you'd like to come to the launch of 'Friday Barnes 11, Last Chance' in Melbourne on January 28th 2023 here's the link...  https://fridaybarnes11at3.eventbrite.comIf you'd like to come to the Sydney event for 'Friday Barnes 11, Last Chance' at the Better Read Than Dead Bookstore on February 4th 2023 here's the link... https://www.betterreadevents.com/events/story-time-chat-with-r-a-sprattSupport the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt If you enjoyed the podcast please like, review and/or subscribe!Support the showFor merchandise use this link... https://www.cafepress.com.au/shop/rasprattTo buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2 To buy me a coffee use this link... https://buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt