Podcast:It's Not the Car Published On: Tue Mar 04 2025 Description: You guys have emailed to ask what we talk about off-air: "Have you ever considered an off-topic show?"Hey, why not?Sam cracked a beer on an empty stomach. Jeff poured a large coffee. Ross continued his streak of amusingly clean and healthy living. With no plan, we ended up yapping on—among other things—racing, Lotuses, how Sam’s grandpa got out of mowing the lawn forever, and that time Jeff’s son Colin whacked straight into a flying bat while lapping a kart in their yard in the middle of the night.This format is an experiment. If you like it, we’ll do it again. If you don’t like, hey, no worries, it’ll go Poe’s raven, nevermore!This show changes format weekly, because squirrel. We call this format “INTC TANGENT HOUR.” RELATED TRIVIA: Sam was drinking Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier. From the world’s oldest brewery, which dates to the year 1040. “Fruity nuances of banana and cloves,” their site says. Coincidentally, that’s how Sam’s wife describes his writing. (Sam: “Tough, but fair.”)This episode was produced by Mike Perlman.**Who We Are + Spicy Merch:www.ItsNotTheCar.com**Support It’s Not the Car:Contribute on Patreon www.patreon.com/notthecar**Topic suggestions, feedback, questions? Let us know what you think!INTCPod@gmail.com**Check out Sam's book!Smithology: Thoughts, Travels, and Semi-Plausible Car Writing, 2003–2023**Where to find us:https://www.instagram.com/intcpodhttps://www.instagram.com/thatsamsmith/https://www.instagram.com/j.v.braun/https://www.instagram.com/rossbentley/https://rossbentley.substack.com/https://speedsecrets.com/**ABOUT THE SHOW:It’s Not the Car is a podcast about people and speed. We tell racing stories and leave out the boring parts.Ross Bentley is a former IndyCar driver, a bestselling author, and a world-renowned performance coach. Jeff Braun is a champion race engineer. Sam Smith is an award-winning writer and a former executive editor of Road & Track magazine.We don’t love racing for the nuts and bolts—we love it for what it asks of the meatbag at the wheel.New episodes every Tuesday.