Deep Cut: What Will Yoga Do to Our Children?
Deep Cut: What Will Yoga Do to Our Children?  
Podcast: Conspirituality
Published On: Sat Aug 19 2023
Description: Deep Cut pulls from our bonus episode archive to unearth previous ideas that remain relevant today. News from Alabama: after a 23-year ban on yoga in schools, generated by a Republican moral panic, Governor Kay Ivey signs a bill that lets kids do yoga again, but with some restrictions: "All instruction in yoga shall be limited exclusively to poses, exercises, and stretching techniques. All poses shall be limited exclusively to sitting, standing, reclining, twisting, and balancing. All poses, exercises, and stretching techniques shall have exclusively English descriptive names. Chanting, mantras, mudras, use of mandalas, induction of hypnotic states, guided imagery, and namaste greetings shall be expressly prohibited." Those who promote yoga as universal goodwill welcome this Indian art form being made more accessible for children in a State with terrible educational markers. Hindu nationalists, on the other hand, might be outraged at a secularized version of yoga, stripped not only of references to Hinduism but of signs of any type of Indian spirituality. And a lot of white yoga progressives will look at this policy—mostly from the urban North— and worry about authenticity and appropriation. How will the children feel? In considering who wins and loses with this new development, Matthew reviews recent U.S. yoga-war history: battles between the Hindu American Foundation and Yoga Journal, the rise of Christian non-yoga-yoga "Praise Moves", and Encinitas Union School District got sued for allegedly violating the Establishment Clause by contracting devotees of Pattabhi Jois to teach the kids yoga. It's not a stretch to see an overlap between this theme and the medical-moral panic over vaccines. In both cases, the focus is on the imagined corruption of children, whether by poison, politics, or inner quiet. Go to and use code 50conspirituality for 50% off plus free shipping. Deep Cut Intro Music Single Origins — Pete Kuzma Show Notes Alabama lifts three-decade-old ban on yoga in public schools—with a catch. New study ranks Alabama as 43rd for student achievement, grade of D+ 12 Reasons Why Yoga is NOT Good for Christians Hindu Group Stirs Debate in Fight for Soul of Yoga Hindu American Foundation: Hindu Roots of Yoga Shukla's letter: Is Hindu a bad word? Explained: The Hindu American Foundation’s defamation case against Hindus for Human Rights founders Audrey Truschke's tweet Over 300 Writers, Academics and Scholars Repudiate HAF's Attempt to Silence Hindus for Human Rights — Hindus for Human Rights Detroit's Satanic Statue Has A Political Point to Make Encinitas school yoga lawsuit stretches on Yoga-for-Trophy-Wives Fitness Fad That’s Alienating Discipline Devotees Next Article Yoga's Culture of Sexual Abuse: Nine Women Tell Their Stories Candy Gunther Brown amicus brief for the plaintiffs, against the yoga programme Mark Singleton amicus brief for the defendants, for the yoga programme Chris Chapple amicus brief for the defendants, for the yoga programme Yoga Alliance amicus brief for the defendants, for the yoga programme Sedlock v. Baird -  Brown’s summary SEDLOCK v. Yes! Yoga for Encinitas Students, Intervener and Respondent Yes! Yoga for Encinitas Students filing The World's Most Influential Yoga Teacher is a Homophobic Right-Wing Activist Translation of the Dattātreyayogaśāstra, the earliest text to teach haṭhayoga Barkataki: How to Decolonize Your Yoga Practice Learn more about your ad choices. Visit