1542: The Creation - Mormon Doctrine vs. Science w/ Dr. Simon Southerton #01
Podcast:Mormon Stories Podcast Published On: Mon Feb 07 2022 Description: Dr. Simon Southerton is an Australian geneticist and a former Mormon bishop who was excommunicated by the Mormon church for speaking too openly about his problems reconciling Book of Mormon historicity and emerging DNA research about Native Americans. On 2/4/2022 we are launching a new series on Mormon Stories Podcast. Like with the John Larsen and Margi Dehlin (THRIVE Stories) series, Simon Southerton plans to appear monthly on Mormon Stories Podcast to explore the many ways in which Mormon Doctrine clashes with modern science. This episode covers the Mormon church teaching of The Creation. We will be paying Simon for his work, but need your financial support to make this happen. If you want to support this series with Simon, please become a monthly donor to this campaign. You can donate here: https://donorbox.org/science-vs-mormonism Hosts John Dehlin, Gerardo Sumano, and Carah Burrell interview Dr. Simon Southerton, an Australian geneticist and former Mormon bishop, who was excommunicated for speaking too openly about Book of Mormon historicity and the DNA research about Indigenous Americans. This interview marks the launch of a new series on Mormon Stories Podcast. Like with the John Larsen and Margi Dehlin (THRIVE Stories), Simon plans to appear monthly to explore the many ways in which Mormon Doctrine clashes with modern science. This episode covers the Mormon Church teaching of The Creation. -------------------- We will be paying Simon for his work, but need your financial support to make this happen. 100% of your donations at this link will go to support Simon! -------------------- Losing a Lost Tribe: Native Americans, DNA, and the Mormon Church by Simon Southerton The Sacred Curse: How Native American DNA Exposes Mormonism's Lamanite Myth by Simon Southerton Mormon Stories interview with Simon Southerton, “DNA, Lamanites, and the Book of Mormon” Mormon Stories interview with Simon Southerton, “New Temples Veil Mormonism’s Decline” Mormon Stories interview with Simon Southerton, “Rod Meldrum’s Book of Mormon Heartland Model” January 2022 Old Testament Institute Lesson on the Creation Old Testament Chronology Graphic Mormon Doctrine by Bruce R. McConkie “Information, Reproduction, and the Origin of Life,” by Homer Jacobson, American Scientist, 1955 Creation: Accident or Design? by Harold G. Coffin "In defense of peer-reviewed science," BYU Department of Geological Sciences, The Daily Universe, April 4, 2017 BYU's Dr. Michael Whiting defends evolution on Twitter "Ancient European dog genomes reveal continuity since the Early Neolithic," by L. Botigué, et. al., Nature Communications, July 18, 2017 "Genetic evidence for an East Asian origin of domestic dogs," by Peter Savolainen, et.al., Science, November 22, 2002 "Rod Meldrum responds to John Dehlin and Simon Southerton" on Mormon Book Reviews with Steven Pynakker "What is DNA and How Does It Work," on Stated Clearly with Jon Perry "An Introduction to the Human Genome," HMX Genetics, Harvard Medical School Upcoming Thrive events MSP on Spotify MSP on Apple Podcasts MSP Blog Instagram Patreon TikTok Discord Contact Us! *MormonStories@gmail.com *PO Box 171085 Salt Lake City, UT 84117