Podcast:Wise Traditions Published On: Mon Aug 16 2021 Description: Have you ever looked at the sky and been surprised to see clouds that don’t look like normal clouds? There are often streaks of white traversing overhead. Where do they come from and what are they doing to us? Dane Wigington is the lead researcher and administrator for the website www.geoengineeringwatch.org, and the executive producer of the documentary, “The Dimming.” He has a background in solar energy and was a former employee of Bechtel Power Corporation. He has amassed facts that point to covert global climate engineering operations. This is the crux of geoengineering: an effort to manipulate the climate and manage solar radiation. But it appears to be detrimental to the health of soil and people. Dane explains how he got into this field and what he has uncovered since that time. He differentiates between so-called chemtrails and contrails and emphasizes that atmospheric particles left in the lingering, spreading jet aircraft trails, are NOT simply condensation as we’ve been led to believe. Finally, he offers advice for what to do to diminish the fallout from the chemicals that may be falling from the sky. Check out his website and watch the documentary "The Dimming" at geoengineeringwatch.org. Register for our Wise Traditions conference in November in Texas. Check out our sponsors: Real Salt, Prima Foodie, and Cold Plunge. Visit our website for more resources and the podcast transcript.