Podcast:Wise Traditions Published On: Mon Mar 20 2017 Description: The Food and Drug Administration is considering changing the "use of the term 'healthy' in the labeling of human food products." At a recent public hearing on this topic, registered dietician Pam Schoenfeld attended and spoke, representing both the Weston A. Price Foundation and the American public. Her purpose was to remind the FDA (and all in attendance) that there are many foods right now that would not qualify as "healthy" under current (and perhaps future) labeling practice. And yet, these foods offer important nutrients that are under-represented in the diet of most Americans. In today's episode, Pam discusses exactly what she was planning on saying at the hearing, and why. She is passionate about educating the public, and public officials, about the benefits of traditional, whole, real foods. Pam, herself, came to the Wise Traditions diet later in life, and she wishes she had known many years ago what she now knows. She touches on the vitamins and minerals that are critical to our well-being--including choline and vitamin A. She talks about nutrient-density and how these foods offer what we need most. She also addresses why it's so important for us to keep advocating for real health foods (found in real food, of course) and she concludes with specific instructions for how to add your voice to this health-saving and life-critical discussion. Visit our website: westonaprice.org