Podcast:Wise Traditions Published On: Mon Jun 27 2016 Description: Confused by fat? One minute we're told to stay away from it; the next, we're told to embrace it. What's best? Chris Masterjohn demystifies the matter in today's discussion. Chris has a PhD in Nutritional Sciences and is an assistant professor at Brooklyn College in New York. He explains in detail fat's function in our bodies and how we should approach including it in our diet. He explains the need to take into account our genetics, our constitution, our ancestry, and even our careers, as we tweak our diets to find our "sweet spot." He touches on some heady stuff: cholesterol levels, the LDL/HDL ratio, and the difference between saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated fats. He also points out which foods contain what kind of fat. Along the way, he helps us move from fear of fat to a place of understanding and freedom. "Fear is disempowering," says Chris. Fat has an important role to play in our bodies and embracing it is a step in the right direction, a step toward good health. Visit Chris' website here: chrismasterjohnphd.com Find more resources on our website: westonaprice.org