402: Dealing With Emotional Baggage (Part 2)
402: Dealing With Emotional Baggage (Part 2)  
Podcast: Wise Traditions
Published On: Mon Jan 16 2023
Description: Our subconscious mind knows exactly what is wrong with us and what we really need to thrive. And connecting with it has the potential to help us release emotional baggage and enjoy new levels of health. Dr. Bradley Nelson, author of “The Emotion Code” and “The Body Code,” today expands on the ideas we discussed in last week’s podcast episode (part 1). He tells stories of patients with undiagnosed or unsolvable health concerns that he was able to identify and help resolve by using his method of tapping into the subconscious mind. It's a simple approach that anyone can use and he explains how to go about it. He also discusses the role of spirituality in the healing process. All in all, he offers simple and practical ideas for how to activate our own body's innate healing power. Visit Dr. Nelson's website: discoverhealing.com Get Your Free WAPF Info Pack Check Out Our Sponsors: Miller’s Bio Farm, Second Spring Foods, Optimal Carnivor