156: Diversify your diet
156: Diversify your diet  
Podcast: Wise Traditions
Published On: Mon Oct 15 2018
Description: We understand the beauty and benefit of diversity. We switch up our exercise routines. We diversify our investment portfolio. But did you know that it’s a good idea to diversify our diets, as well? Today, Chris Masterjohn makes a strong case for why it’s critical to do so for optimal health. Chris is a health expert and educator, with a PhD in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Connecticut. He explains in detail his rules of thumb for healthy eating. He give us practical ideas on how to translate the research of Dr. Weston A. Price from head knowledge to the dinner plate. Along the way, he tells stories about traditional people groups' dietary patterns; he warns us about the dangers of dietary extremes; and he gives us a window into the way he himself eats for optimal health. For more on Chris, visit his website: chrismasterjohnphd.com. Check out his "cheat sheet" for analyzing your own nutritional status: chrismasterjohnphd.com/wisetraditions. For information on our Wise Traditions conference, go to wisetraditions.org. Take our listener survey here. Check out our sponsors: Vintage Tradition and Ancestral Supplements.