495: Reading The Ingredients Might Just Change Your Life with Gubba Homestead
495: Reading The Ingredients Might Just Change Your Life with Gubba Homestead  
Podcast: Wise Traditions
Published On: Mon Oct 14 2024
Description: Improved digestion. Clearer skin. Brain fog clearing up. These are some of the benefits of paying attention to the quality of ingredients that go into (and on) the body! Gubba Homestead, a leading figure in the homesteading and natural skincare community, experienced all of the above and then some. Her family’s health improved, too, as they began avoiding toxic chemicals and returning to more natural foods and products. Gubba tells her story today and also what led to her recent de-platforming on TikTok. (She was talking about the dangers of ingredients in sunscreen when her account was taken down.) She explains where her passion originated and why she won’t give up helping people uncover what’s in their food and skin care products. Finally, she also gets into what led her into homesteading and why she believes we can all become homesteaders in our own right (even if we live in the city)! Visit Gubba’s website: gubbahomestead.com Register for the Wise Traditions conference at wisetraditions.org Find your local chapter leader at westonaprice.org Check out our sponsors: Green Pasture and Fat of the Land