255: Homemade baby formula
255: Homemade baby formula  
Podcast: Wise Traditions
Published On: Fri Jul 24 2020
Description: Breastmilk from a well-nourished mother is the best option for early nourishment. But when this isn’t possible, a homemade baby formula is the next best alternative. On this podcast, Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, explains in detail how and why she and her colleague, Dr.Mary Enig, developed an alternative to commercial formula. She discusses its composition, its success rate with babies, why it is preferable to commercial formulas (with their rancid oils and denatured ingredients) and alternative recipes for those babies that show signs of allergies or sensitivities. See our website for more resources: westonaprice.org Visit Sally's blog: nourishingtraditions.com Join Nourished Children 2.0 & Nourished 2.0 Check out our sponsors: Just Thrive & Mountain Rose herbs Register for the Wise Traditions conference at wisetraditions.org