467: Pharma Food
467: Pharma Food  
Podcast: Wise Traditions
Published On: Mon Mar 25 2024
Description: Is there biotech food on your plate? Foods derived from cell-cultures or made in a lab? How would you know if there was? Elze van Hamelen is a researcher and journalist, and today she covers the topic of "pharma food". This is, in essence, her term for the takeover of our food supply, as we know it, by the tech industry, that results in pseudo foods like lab-grown meat, precision fermentation, and "milk without a cow". Elze unveils today what pharma food looks like, who's backing it financially, and why. She explains why it's problematic and toxic, actually, and how her extensive research compelled her to change her own diet. She also offers insights into what we can do to defend our food freedom and what to look out for when it comes to these so-called "novel foods". Visit Else's website Subscribe to and visit our Weston A. Price Foundation YouTube channel Check out our sponsors Maui Nui and Pluck