Podcast:Wise Traditions Published On: Mon Jun 24 2019 Description: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a well-known environmental attorney and human rights activist. On a mission to stem the tide of threats to the health of our planet and our own, for decades, Kennedy has dedicated himself to educating the public on the chemicals that are harming us and what to do about them. He advocates holding parties responsible for injuries and establishing safeguards against chemical use. Today’s conversation centers around vaccine safety. Those with children, those born after 1989 – a time when vaccine schedules multiplied, and, with them, lifelong health conditions – and those experiencing chronic disease should listen closely to this episode to gain insight on this controversial subject. For more from RFK Jr., visit his website: childrenshealthdefense.org. Sally Fallon Morell's website is nourishingtraditions.org. Sign up for our Wise Traditions conference this November here. And visit our website: westonaprice.org.