26: Myths and truths of sleep and exercise
26: Myths and truths of sleep and exercise  
Podcast: Wise Traditions
Published On: Mon Jun 13 2016
Description: Physical therapist Sandra Van Gilder dispels myths related to our sleep and exercise habits in this episode. She explains how our hormone function can be disrupted (or improved) by our patterns. She gets into the science behind the brain fog that makes it difficult to think clearly when we are sleep-deprived and she has suggestions about how to combat that issue. She also has ideas about how to move smarter/differently to avoid joint stress. She knows what she's talking about because she herself once struggled with vestibular migraines and she found that proper nutrition and adequate sleep were sufficient therapies to make them go away. And as a young woman in her twenties, Sandra had also endured back pain, sciatica, and joint pain that limited her ability to pursue her hobby of running. It became so serious that she could hardly run around the track one time. Now Sandra runs without pain, thanks to her "whole body" approach to movement. Today you will learn from her how to establish good sleep and movement patterns that can help you live and move, unhindered. Check out Sandra's website: themovemethod.com Find more resources on our website: westonaprice.org