220: Save your local farm
220: Save your local farm  
Podcast: Wise Traditions
Published On: Mon Dec 23 2019
Description: If we want nourishing food, we need to put our money where our mouth is. Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation, makes a strong case why it is so important to spend at least 50% of our food dollar supporting local farms and artisans. In today's podcast, she gives practical tips  for how to go about buying more food right where we live, how to stretch our food budget, and which foods are especially important to buy locally. She also reminds us of the big picture--that is, how powerful educated consumers are. The way we spend our money shapes the direction of the food industry. Check out Sally's blog: nourishingtraditions.com Check out our sponsor: Ancestral Supplements  Take the 50% pledge here: westonaprice.org