73: Drink your bugs
73: Drink your bugs  
Podcast: Wise Traditions
Published On: Mon Apr 24 2017
Description: Do you crave sodas? You're in luck! You can drink "the original sodas" when you add naturally fizzy fermented drinks to your diet! They are more hydrating, and re-mineralizing than plain water. And they have numerous health benefits: they can aid digestion, circulation, improve health concerns, and even clear up skin issues. Hannah Crum, the author of "The Big Book of Kombucha," is a fermented drink expert. Today, she discusses a wide variety of fermented drinks: from kefir to kvass, to ginger beer, and more. She dives into the history of these drinks, how to make them, and how they can benefit your body. Hannah stresses the importance of "drinking your bugs" for upping the bacterial diversity of your microbiome. Such diversity is critical for strengthening the immune system, detoxing, boosting energy and more! The result? A strengthened, healthy, and resilient body. Learn more at her website: kombuchakamp.com or at westonaprice.org.