41: On fat, raw milk, & ghee
41: On fat, raw milk, & ghee  
Podcast: Wise Traditions
Published On: Mon Sep 12 2016
Description: Sandeep Agarwal had a young son with chronic health conditions--he caught colds easily, had chest congestion, and developed asthma. As Sandeep began to research ways to help him, he came across the principles of the Weston A. Price Foundation. They resonated with him, as he remembered the foods his ancestors enjoyed in India; they included raw milk, full fat foods, and ghee.  In today's episode, you will hear the results of Sandeep's research, which led him to ancient Indian texts that confirmed what he saw playing out in his own family: that traditional foods support and enhance our health. He discovered that ayurvedic traditions embraced raw milk and ghee for their healing properties. His family tweaked their diet to include these foods and they also began avoiding sweets, and making other dietary changes that followed the wise tradition principles. Today, they enjoy good health and they run a business which provides organic ghee and other Indian spices and foods. Visit his website: pureindianfoods.com For more resources, see our website: westonaprice.org