384: Iron Overload
384: Iron Overload  
Podcast: Wise Traditions
Published On: Mon Sep 12 2022
Description: A number of foods on the supermarket shelves are fortified with iron. Is this a good idea? Dr. Leland Stillman, MD., says that it's not. He is convinced that most of us have too much iron in our bodies. Virtually every disease of aging is linked to excess iron accumulation: depression, anxiety, dementia, skin problems, liver failure and more. But common blood work might not reveal this issue. Iron is both a toxin and a nutrient so it can be challenging both to determine whether we are deficient or overloaded. Leland explains tell-tale signs of iron overload and he explains which assessments work and which are limited. He also goes over the nutrients we need (like copper and folate) to help our bodies properly handle iron. Finally, he tells us why donating blood to off-load iron may not be the best solution. And he weighs in on whether cooking with cast iron pans is advisable or not. Visit his website stillmanmd.com for resources and consultations. Register for the Wise Traditions conference. Check out our sponsors: Defender Shield, Upgraded Formulas, Optimal Carnivore