479: Garden When You Don't Have a Clue, Don't Want to Use Pesticides, & Have No Green Thumb with Jill Ragan
479: Garden When You Don't Have a Clue, Don't Want to Use Pesticides, & Have No Green Thumb with Jill Ragan  
Podcast: Wise Traditions
Published On: Mon Jun 17 2024
Description: Do you have to be a good planner to start a garden? How can you avoid pests if you don't use pesticides? Are “companion” plants a thing? What plants are best near others?   These are some of the questions addressed by Jill Ragan of Whispering Willow Farm in this week's podcast episode. Jill is the author of “The Tiny but Mighty Farm,” and she has lots of ideas for how to get started gardening. She made plenty of mistakes that she openly shares so that we can learn from her and avoid duplicating the bad stuff. She offers ideas for both the beginner gardener and the one with more experience under their belt.   Since Jill is a “market gardener,” she knows how to scale up and what works for gardeners with a lot of lands and those with very little. She covers the importance of practical space usage, why string trellises work better than plastic cages, and more.   Visit Jill's website:  thewhisperingwillowfarm.com   Join the Weston A. Price Foundation email list. Check out our sponsors: Maui Nui Venison and the New Biology Clinic.