257: Every bite counts for baby
257: Every bite counts for baby  
Podcast: Wise Traditions
Published On: Fri Jul 31 2020
Description: Babies need protein and healthy fats to grow their brains and bodies. Unfortunately, most baby food on the supermarket shelves is low in these macronutrients, and alarmingly high in sugar.  How can we nourish our little ones well from the start? Joe and Serenity Carr, the couple behind Serenity Kids baby food, offer their tips on today's podcast.They cover how to handle picky eaters, the "flavor window" from 4 to 18-months that is critical to broaden a child's palate, the importance of modeling healthy eating, and what fats to avoid & which to include when nourishing children. They also tell their own health journey and why they are so committed to helping every family make every bite count for their little ones. Visit our website: westonaprice.org Check out Joe and Serenity's website for their blog & other resources: myserenitykids.com Join Nourished Children 2.0 & Nourished 2.0 Check out our sponsors: Just Thrive & Mountain Rose herbs Register for the Wise Traditions conference at wisetraditions.org