Podcast:Wise Traditions Published On: Mon Oct 03 2016 Description: Traditional diets are high in enzymes and beneficial bacteria. Lacto-fermented foods are prepared by cultures worldwide to preserve food, boost their vitamin and mineral content, and aid digestion. In today's episode, Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation, explains Principle #5 of the Wise Traditions diet: how all traditional peoples include lacto-fermented foods in their diets. She gets specific about the foods that are particular to various regions around the world--like sauerkraut, pickles, kimchi, fermented fish, yogurt, kefir, and such. She discusses the fermentation process and gives the scientific basis for embracing these foods in our modern diet. She touts the improved vitamin and mineral content of such foods, their protective characteristics against disease (including cancer), and how they boost the immune system. She gives practical advice for how to begin introducing these foods into your diet. If you apply her tips, your tastebuds will be thrilled and your health will greatly benefit! Check out Sally's blog: nourishingtraditions.com Visit our website at westonaprice.org