Episode 56
Episode 56  
Podcast: Sword and Scale
Published On: Sun Nov 15 2015
Description: Over the course of the last year we've spoken to many different people from all walks of life. We asked them one simple question: "If there was one thing you could change about the criminal justice system, what would it be." This final episode of Season 2 is a compilation of their answers. We're joined by criminal defense attorney Christopher Zervic, as well as the guys and gals from The Generation Why Podcast and the Thinking Sideways Podcast. The cast of guests includes: Jason Lucky Morrow from HistoricalCrimeDetective.com, Julie Strickland, Charles Graeber author of the book The Good Nurse, true-crime author Dianne Fanning, clinical psychologist James M. Cantor, Dr. Michelle Elliott, Thought Catalog author M.J. Pack, documentary filmmaker Jan-Willem Breure, and Noreen Gosch from The Johnny Gosch Foundation.