The Besties Podcast XXXII
The Besties Podcast XXXII  
Podcast: The Besties
Published On: Fri Oct 19 2012
Description: Besties! Those stunning changes you were expecting?'ll have to wait on those. The Besties are back, in pretty much the form you remember them in. But the changes! They're coming! We swear! And no, the changes don't involve us stopping the podcast. Sorry to disappoint! Ran into a few audio issues this week, so if you hear us talking over each other more than normal, blame evil, evil technology. 04:00 - Retro City Rampage 12:15 - XCOM: Enemy Unknown 18:30 - Halftime: Denpa Men & Spycraft 29:50 - Dishonored 43:30 - THE DECISION Music: "Little Marcus" by George & Jonathan Get the show: Download MP3" Subscribe to the podcast (RSS) Subscribe on iTunes Get the full list of games (and other stuff) discussed at Want more episodes? Join us at for three bonus episodes each month!