The Besties Podcast 58 — The best of Xbox One
The Besties Podcast 58 — The best of Xbox One  
Podcast: The Besties
Published On: Fri May 24 2013
Description: Throw us an Xbone, why don't you? We're not sure if you heard, maybe you didn't, but there's a new Xbox coming soon. Well, not soon, but this year, for sure. On The Besties this week, we dive deep and come back with the pearls. 07:30 - Best cell phone feature we're excited to use 17:25 - Best use of FMV that may not be 19:00 - Half time: Ghost dog 29:30 - Best news for publishers in the next generation 38:50 - Best feature that only Russ Frushtick cares about 47:30 - The winner is... Theme song by Ian Dorsch Get the show: Download MP3" Subscribe to the podcast (RSS) Subscribe on iTunes Get the full list of games (and other stuff) discussed at Want more episodes? Join us at for three bonus episodes each month!